
Converted Lifeguard Towers Becoming Exciting Winter Pavilions

  • March 30th, 2015
Toronto Winter Stations

Popping down to the beach in minus 20 degree temperatures may not be your idea of a cultured and artistic day out – except if you live in Toronto.

A series of public art installations have recently popped up along the frozen waterfront as a result of the Winters Stations design competition to convert empty lifeguard towers into exciting winter pavilions.

Channelling the theme of ‘Warmth’, competitors were asked to create installations anchored to one of the unused lifeguard towers. Over 200 international artists, designers, architects and landscape architects submitted entries and 5 were selected. The results added colour, movement and humour what was a somewhat bleak and frozen landscape.

“The goal with Winter Stations is to infuse colour and vibrancy back into the beach community, which is so lively in the summer months, but tends to slow down come winter,” added Roland Rom Colthoff of RAW.

The exhibition included a set of bright red slings (pictured) where loops of vivid red fabric were suspended from scaffolding attached to the lifeguard tower. The slings, reminiscent of a deckchair, were intended to cocoon the guests, defending them from the harsh winds.

Other installations and pavilions included a timber driftwood throne; a pine cone shaped shelter with a rainbow coloured translucent skin; a black insulated cube with spongey walls; and a rounded fortress-like structure made from time batons.
