
Modular Construction Brought To Life Through A Creative Lens

The detailed modular construction process can be a difficult one to grasp, yet the many advantages are worth understanding for anyone looking to design and build a new home. To aid this understanding we recently engaged Melbourne cinematographer, Nathan Kaso, to produce a short tilt-shift time-lapse film on the process.

But rather than just spelling out our process, Nathan sought to capture the distinctiveness of a modular project through a unique combination of filming techniques and styles.

Envisioned in miniature, the short film details the design and build process, visualising it in a captivating way and bringing the final project to life on stunning Phillip Island.

According to Nathan, the project was a challenging but enjoyable one.

“Capturing Modscape’s entire design and construction process as a miniature time-lapse film presented a number of technical and creative challenges,” Nathan explained.

“In order to create the miniature effect all the shots needed to be captured from an elevated viewpoint. This meant using scissor lifts, drones, and even the Modscape warehouse rooftop. The entire film is made up of over 20,000 individual still images. The final result is a dynamic, modern and fun video that complements Modscape’s amazing design ability and their unique construction process.”

So sit back, relax and enjoy 2.20 mins of modular magic…
